Together with the challenging programs and its strong ambition, to attend the M.Sc. in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design means also being involved in a very collaborative ad synergic social environment. 

Piacenza is a medium-size Italian city, part of a dense system of urban area, in a strategic position among Milano and Bologna and among Torino and Venezia. 

So it sounds as the perfect condition for work on the edges between global issues and local specificities. 

Strong connections with the institutions, many public and private companies and professionals give each student the great opportunity to develop – during the academic career – work-related relations and contacts. 

Mostly with different realities supporting the Master within the Polipiacenza association (Comune di Piacenza, Provincia di Piacenza, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Confindustria, Camera di Commercio, Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano, Banca di Piacenza, Coldiretti) but also with some partners (as the Piacenza Council of Architects, which is in the Campus itself, or XNL Piacenza Contemporanea) which are local hubs of a global geography of a cultural and professional network.